
Is An H Route A Full Time Route For The Postal Service

432 Full general Definitions and Provisions

432.1 Employee Classifications

432.11 Regular Piece of work Force
432.111 Bargaining Unit Employees

Bargaining unit employees are categorized as follows:

  1. Full-time employees career almanac rate employees who are assigned to piece of work schedules of five 8–hour days in a service calendar week.
  2. Part-time employees — employees categorized as 1 of the following:
    1. Office-time regular employees — career hourly rate employees who are assigned to work regular schedules of less than twoscore hours in a service week.
    2. Part-time flexible employees — career hourly charge per unit employees who are available to work flexible hours equally assigned by the Postal service during the course of a service week.
  3. Rural carriers — employees categorized as one of the following (although but regular rural carriers and rural carrier associates may be added to the rolls):
    1. Regular rural carriers — career almanac rate employees assigned to established rural routes on the basis of triweekly, v, five ane/ii, or 6 days in a service week.
    2. Rural carrier associates (RCAs) (hired on or afterward 04/eleven/87); rural carrier reliefs (hired between seven/21/81 and 11/12/86); or substitute rural carriers (hired prior to 7/21/81) — noncareer employees with an indefinite appointment are assigned every bit leave replacements on one to three established rural routes during the absence of the regular rural carriers. RCAs or substitute rural carriers as well may exist temporarily assigned (a) to vacant rural routes pending the option of regular rural carriers, (b) to routes for which the regular carrier is on extended get out, (c) to auxiliary routes as auxiliary rural carriers, or (d) as auxiliary assistants.
    3. Auxiliary rural carriers (hired prior to 1981) — employees who serve auxiliary rural routes (those not designated every bit regular rural routes). Normally, such positions are filled past the temporary assignment of substitute rural carriers or rural carrier assembly, or by rural carrier relief employees. Still, if these are not available, qualified noncareer hourly charge per unit employees may exist appointed for a limited term.
432.112 Nonbargaining Unit of measurement Employees

Nonbargaining unit employees are categorized as follows:

  1. Total-fourth dimension salaried — one of the following categories of salaried employees employed co-ordinate to procedures established by the Postal Service:
    1. Exempt salaried — career employees who are exempt from the FLSA provisions, are not express to working a specified number of hours in a service calendar week, and are expected to piece of work or have excused get out for at least 40 hours per calendar week fulfilling the responsibilities of their positions.
    2. Special Exempt — career employees who are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) provisions, whose permanent assignments are to Executive and Administrative Schedule (EAS)–15 through –18 positions, and who directly supervise ii or more than equivalent bargaining unit of measurement employees in production operations.
    3. Nonexempt salaried — career employees who are not exempt from (i.e., are covered by) FLSA provisions and are assigned to work schedules consisting of v eight–hour days in a service week.
  2. Part-time salaried — career hourly rate employees assigned to regular work schedules of less than 40 hours in a service week.
432.12 Supplemental Work Force

All employees in the supplemental piece of work force are nonbargaining unit employees and are categorized as follows:

  1. Casual employees — noncareer employees with limited term appointments used as a supplemental work force, as described in the applicable national agreements or in other Postal Service collective bargaining agreements, who perform duties assigned to bargaining unit positions.
  2. Temporary employees — noncareer employees with a limited term appointment up to just not to exceed 1 year who perform duties that are assigned to nonbargaining unit positions.
  3. Leave replacements — noncareer hourly charge per unit employees with unlimited term appointments who are employed as relief or go out replacements during the absence of postmasters.
  4. Temporary relief carriers — noncareer employees with express term appointments who provide service as rural carrier leave replacements on regular or auxiliary routes or provide auxiliary assistance on regular routes.
432.13 Transitional Piece of work Force

Employees in the transitional work force are noncareer bargaining unit employees categorized as transitional employees (TEs) and utilized in accord with the terms of their respective collective bargaining agreements. They are hourly rate employees hired for terms designated in the appropriate national bargaining agreement.

432.two Rates of Pay

432.21 Bones Rate

The basic charge per unit is the amount of annual, daily, or hourly salary provided past the applicable salary schedule for an employee'due south assigned position — excluding TCOLA, overtime, EAS additional pay, out–of–schedule premium, Sunday premium, holiday–worked pay, and night differential. Basic daily and hourly rates are determined by dividing the basic annual rate (BAR) as shown in the table below (see also 432.23).

  1. Bones almanac rate (BAR).
  2. Basic daily rate:
  3. Type Schedule


    1. FLSA–exempt Postmasters


    1. Regular rural carriers
    1. On H or K route (6–24-hour interval piece of work week)


    1. On J road (v 1/2–mean solar day work week)


    1. On K route (five–solar day work week)


    1. Substitute rural carriers
    1. On H or M route


    1. On J route


    1. On Grand route


  4. Basic hourly rate:
432.22 Regular Rate

The regular rate is defined by the Fair Labor Standards Human action (see 443.21).

432.23 Rounding of Rates

In computing individual earnings, the daily or hourly charge per unit is calculated from the annual rate to iv decimal places. The fourth place is rounded up to the next higher effigy if the fifth place is 5 or more. Total earnings are rounded to the nearest cent, counting one–half or more as a whole cent and dropping less than one–half cent.

432.three Work Schedules and Overtime Limits

432.31 Basic Piece of work Week

The basic workweek for full-time bargaining unit employees is defined in the applicable labor agreements. Postmasters and exempt employees are assigned every bit needed. Otherwise, the basic full-time workweek consists of v regularly scheduled 8–hr days inside a service week.

Note: The daily viii–hour schedule may not extend over more than 10 consecutive hours.

432.32 Maximum Hours Allowed

Except as designated in labor agreements for bargaining unit employees or in emergency situations as determined by the postmaster general (or designee), employees may not be required to work more than 12 hours in 1 service day. In improver, the total hours of daily service, including scheduled workhours, overtime, and mealtime, may not be extended over a menstruum longer than 12 sequent hours. Postmasters and exempt employees are excluded from these provisions.

432.33 Mealtime

Except in emergency situations or where service weather condition prevent compliance, no employee may be required to work more than six continuous hours without a meal or remainder period of at to the lowest degree ane/ii hour.

432.34 Postmasters

A full-time postmaster is scheduled to work a 40–hour workweek. Normally, this regular work schedule is gear up at 8 hours a mean solar day and five days a week, Monday through Friday. When a nonexempt postmaster is required to piece of work on the 6th day because relief is not available, premium pay at 150 percentage of the postmaster's basic salary is paid for this fourth dimension. Equivalent time off from work is not authorized to avoid the payment of this premium. Thus, either nonbargaining rescheduling premium or the amend of postal or FLSA overtime, as appropriate, is paid.

432.4 Service Periods

432.41 Pay Flow

A pay period begins on Sabbatum and ends on Friday. Each pay period comprises 2 service weeks.

432.42 Service Week

A service calendar week is the agenda week start at 12:01 a.1000. Saturday and catastrophe at 12:00 midnight the post-obit Fri. This service week remains fixed regardless of the schedule of hours worked past individual employees.

432.43 Service Day

The service day is a calendar day, 12:01 a.m. to 12 midnight. An employee's service twenty-four hours depends on his or her schedule, as follows:

  1. Total-time Employees. For a full-time employee whose regular schedule begins at 8:00 p.m. or later, the service day is the next calendar day, and all workhours (including preshift workhours), likewise equally leave hours, are recorded on that calendar solar day. If the employee'south regular schedule begins prior to eight:00 p.k., the service mean solar day is the agenda mean solar day on which the schedule begins, and all work and get out hours are recorded on that agenda day.
  2. Role-fourth dimension Employees. For all part-fourth dimension employees who begin work or leave at eight:00 p.k. or later, the service day is the adjacent agenda 24-hour interval and all hours are recorded on that calendar day. If such employees begin piece of work or get out prior to 8:00 p.m., the service day is the agenda day on which they begin work or leave, and all hours are recorded on that calendar day.
  3. Casual and Temporary Employees. For casual and temporary employees who begin work at 8:00 p.m. or later, the service solar day is the next agenda twenty-four hour period and all hours are recorded on that calendar solar day. If such employees brainstorm work prior to 8:00 p.k., the service day is the calendar day on which they begin piece of work, and all hours are recorded on that calendar day.
432.44 FLSA Workweek

Come across 443.23.

432.45 Piece of work Assignments

In gild to comply with the postal policy of basing pay on hours worked in a service 24-hour interval, managers must assign the workhours of employees in such a mode that (a) employees practice not perform continuous piece of work that is reported in two unlike service days and (b) any scheduling changes cannot exist construed as an intent to evade the payment of overtime under the provisions of the FLSA (run across 443.231).

432.46 Five–Minute Leeway Dominion
432.461 Caption

Although each employee at installations with time recording devices is required to clock in and clock out on time, congestion at time clocks or other conditions can sometimes cause clock time to vary slightly from the established work schedule. Therefore, a deviation may be immune from the scheduled time for each clock ring upwards to 0.08 60 minutes (5 minutes). However, the sum of the deviations for the scheduled tour must not exceed 0.08 60 minutes (5 minutes).

432.462 Applicability

This 5–infinitesimal leeway dominion applies only to full-time and part-fourth dimension regular schedule employees. Part-time flexible, coincidental, transitional, and temporary employees are allowed the 5–infinitesimal privilege for clocking purposes, subject to ELM 432.464 b , merely are paid on the basis of their bodily clock rings.

The 5–infinitesimal leeway rule applies only to the scheduled tour of duty. If an employee works in an overtime status that is contiguous with the scheduled tour, the v–minute leeway dominion does not apply to whatsoever clock rings for the entire tour. Employees in this situation are paid for their actual clock time (unless the time is disallowed as described in 432.711). However, the 5–minute elbowroom rule does apply to temporary schedules including any out–of–schedule overtime hours exterior of and instead of the employee'due south regular schedule.

432.463 Adjustment

After extending clock rings, if (in the case of a full-time regular schedule employee) the clock ring totals for the bout are between 7.92 and 8.08 hours, the fourth dimension should be adapted to 8.00 hours. If a part-fourth dimension regular schedule employee's clock fourth dimension is betwixt 0.08 hours less than or greater than his or her established schedule, so the time should exist adjusted to the employee's scheduled tour.

432.464 Special Cases

The 5–infinitesimal leeway dominion for night differential and Sunday premium hours is peculiar and requires special attention:

  1. In the case of night differential, eligible employees are to exist paid night differential for the exact amount of fourth dimension they work between 6:00 p.yard. and 6:00 a.m. Even so, in no instance can the total night differential hours for bargaining unit employees exceed the full hours for the tour. If the merely reason that part of an employee'due south clock time falls between 6:00 p.1000. and 6:00 thousand. is that the employee clocked in 0.08 hour or less before six:00 a.k. or clocked out 0.08 hour or less after six:00 thousand., then the employee is non eligible to exist paid nighttime differential.
  2. Eligible bargaining unit employees receive Sun premium for all hours worked during a scheduled tour any part of which falls on Sun. The corporeality of Sunday premium cannot exceed the hours worked, nor tin can it exceed 8.00 hours per tour. If the merely reason that part of an employee's clock time falls on Dominicus is that the employee clocked in 0.08 hour or less before the scheduled bout started or 0.08 hour or less after the scheduled tour ended, and then the employee is non eligible for any Sunday premium.
432.465 Exception

On some occasions, an employee may have a combination of work and paid exit. In such cases, the 5–minute leeway dominion does non apply, and the employee is credited with the bodily hours worked. The residue of the employee's scheduled tour is charged to sufficient leave to give the employee credit for the total scheduled tour.

432.5 Work Credit

432.51 FLSA–Exempt Postmasters

Time for FLSA–exempt postmasters is credited in units of whole days, except for absences covered past the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or for the purpose of terminal go out payments or leave payments immediately preceding a flow of LWOP.

Annotation: FLSA–exempt postmasters are those who supervise at least two total-time equivalent employees.

432.52 Full-fourth dimension and Part-time Employees

These employees are credited every bit follows:

  1. Full-time employees who are credited (work or paid leave) for all scheduled service in a pay menses are paid on the basis of lxxx hours.
  2. Role-time employees who are credited (work or paid leave) for all scheduled service in a pay period are paid on the footing of the hours of scheduled service.
  3. Employees who perform just function of the scheduled work in a pay period and practice not have leave credits to embrace the remainder of the scheduled piece of work are paid for time really worked.
432.53 Metropolis Letter Carriers (7:01 Rule)

A metropolis letter carrier who actually works more than 7 hours merely less than 8 hours of a regular scheduled day and who is officially excused from the completion of the eight–hr tour is credited with 8 hours of piece of work time for pay purposes. This is known every bit the 7:01 rule (encounter 443.212).

432.54 Rural Carriers

See 444.

432.6 Guaranteed Time

432.61 Caption

Guaranteed time is paid time that is not worked under the guaranteed provisions of collective bargaining agreements for periods when an employee has been released by the supervisor and has clocked out prior to the end of a guaranteed period. For example, nearly full-fourth dimension regular employees in the bargaining units are guaranteed viii hours of work (or pay in lieu) if they are called in on their nonscheduled day to piece of work. If such an employee works 6 hours and is then told by the supervisor to clock out because of lack of work, the remaining 2 hours of the employee's 8–hour guaranteed is recorded as guaranteed time. It is not possible for an employee to earn guaranteed time every bit long every bit he or she is on the clock.

432.62 Eligibility

Showroom 432.62 indicates by rate schedule code and employee classifications those persons other than TEs who are eligible to receive pay for guaranteed time. TEs receive guaranteed time according to their union's commonage bargaining agreement. If an employee is eligible for more than than one time guaranteed, the guaranteed for the highest number of hours applies. For instance, if an employee is eligible for either 2 or four hours of guaranteed pay, the 4–hour guaranteed applies. Employees are not eligible for guaranteed time while temporarily assigned to nonbargaining positions.

Exhibit 432.62

Guaranteed Time Pay Eligibility Tabular array

Rate Schedule

Employee Classification

Full-time Regular

Part-fourth dimension Regular

Part-time Flexible

Casual, * Temporary, and PM Relief

B — Rural Auxiliary










F — Postmasters (A–E)



One thousand — Nurses



Chiliad — HQ Op. Services


L — Postmaster Replacement


M — Postal service Handlers




N — Information Center



P — PS




Q — City Carriers




R — Rural Carriers





T — Tool and Die



Y — Postal Police



* Casual employees are covered in RS–E regardless of the bargaining unit of measurement they supplement.

i. Guaranteed 4 hours piece of work or pay in lieu of when chosen in exterior of the regular work schedule. Does not apply to an employee who continues working into or from a regular scheduled shift.

two. Guaranteed 4 hours work or pay in lieu of when called in to work on a nonscheduled day or, if a part-time flexible employee, when requested to work.

three. Guaranteed eight hours piece of work or pay in lieu of when called in to work on a nonscheduled 24-hour interval.

iv. Guaranteed 4 hours work or pay in lieu of when called dorsum to work on a day when the twenty-four hour period's assignment has been completed and the employee has clocked out. This applies to part-time flexible employees in any size office.

v. Guaranteed iv hours work or pay in lieu of if requested or scheduled to work at installations with 200 or more workyears of employment or 2 hours of work or pay in lieu thereof if requested or scheduled to work at installations with less than 200 workyears of employment.

vi. Guaranteed 2 hours of piece of work or pay in lieu of if scheduled and reports for work.

432.63 Pay Computation

As a general principle, when employees are told to clock out by management prior to the terminate of the guaranteed period, the employees are compensated for the hours of the guaranteed flow at the rate of pay they would have received had they actually worked the hours. There are, withal, conditions under which employees are not compensated for the remaining hours of the guaranteed menstruation. Generally, this occurs when an employee requests to get out the postal premises because of an illness or for personal reasons or leaves without proper authorization.

Note: The v–minute leeway rule does not apply to any clock rings for an employee entering a guaranteed time status. The employee is credited with the time reflected past his or her clock rings. Time Worked

See 443.22.

432.71 Control

Supervisors should ensure that employees do non remain on the clock unless they are specifically authorized to practice so. Where employees go along to work contrary to instructions from a supervisor to clock out, the cosmetic action must exist a procedure other than not compensating the employees for piece of work performed.

432.711 Disallowed Fourth dimension

If an employee's clock rings exceed 8.08 hours and the employee was non engaged in work or work–related activities while in the time–over–viii status, supervisors are to disallow the time on the clock that was not worked. In such a example the supervisor should prepare a written entry on PS Grade 1017–A, Time Disallowance Record, equally to the factual basis for his or her cognition that the employee was not working during the flow of fourth dimension disallowed. Examples of time that may be properly disallowed include, simply are non limited to:

  1. Launder–upwardly time — time spent by employees changing clothes and/or washing up after their tour ends that exceeds the time allotted for such purposes in applicable collective bargaining agreements.
  2. Waiting time — time spent by employees while waiting to starting time work at the beginning of a tour when they take not been instructed or otherwise required to wait.
  3. Personal time — time spent by employees, before their bout begins or after their tour ends, attending to personal matters.
  4. Mealtime — time spent by employees "on the clock" during a designated meal period, provided, of course, that the employee was completely relieved of all duties and responsibilities and performed no piece of work during this period.
432.712 Allowed Fourth dimension

Supervisors must credit employees with all fourth dimension designated as worktime under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Examples of time that must be credited as worktime if the supervisor knows or has reason to believe the activities are being performed during the time, include:

  1. Time spent by employees in performing duties that are office of, or related to, the employees' chief work activity, such every bit pulling mail from a distribution instance, collecting tools or supplies, and adjusting rest bars.
  2. Fourth dimension spent continuing to piece of work after a bout ends in social club to right an error, to gear up records, or to cease up a task.
  3. Fourth dimension spent working during repast periods.
  4. Time spent distributing work to piece of work stations.
432.72 Medical Release Time

When an employee is released from piece of work and directed past management to an on– or off–site health services unit due to illness or injury, all time spent waiting for and/or receiving medical attention on the service 24-hour interval on which the affliction or injury occurs and that would have been worked merely for the medical attending, including all time that the employee otherwise would have been directed to work that solar day beyond his or her regularly scheduled tour, is included and credited as piece of work time.

432.8 Compensation Due Deceased Employee

432.81 Definition

Unpaid compensation is applicable pay and allowances due a deceased postal employee for the operation of services. Information technology includes, simply is not limited to:

  1. Amounts of checks for pay and allowances that were not delivered by the Mail service to the employee during the employee's lifetime.
  2. Amounts of uncashed checks for pay and allowances returned to the Postal service because of the employee's decease.
  3. Payment for the balance of a bout and scheduled overtime for the day on which the employee has reported; or if death occurs on a service day prior to reporting to work, for the entire bout when the day is part of the employee'due south normal work schedule (excluding full tours of scheduled overtime).
  4. Payment for accumulated annual leave and for unused almanac (current) get out really earned during the year of death. Payment for the leave is equal to the pay the deceased employee would accept received had the employee lived and remained in the Postal Service until the end of the period of annual go out.
  5. Payment for sick exit in accordance with 513.83.
  6. Bond balance refund of payroll deductions for U.Southward. Savings Bonds.
  7. Amounts due for payment of cash awards for employee's suggestions.
  8. Allowances on alter of official station.
  9. Amounts due for the performance of official travel.
432.82 Recipient of Unpaid Compensation or Money Due
432.821 Gild

Payment of unpaid bounty is fabricated in the post-obit society of precedence (payment confined recovery by another person of the amounts and then paid):

  1. Start — to the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated on Standard Form 1152, Designation of Beneficiary — Unpaid Bounty of Deceased Noncombatant Employee, or otherwise past the employee in writing received in the Mail service before the employee's death.
  2. Second — if at that place is no designated beneficiary, to the employee'due south widow(er).
  3. Third — to the employee's child(ren) and to the descendants of deceased children by representation.
  4. Fourth — to the parents in equal shares or the entire corporeality to the surviving parent.
  5. Fifth — to the duly appointed executor or ambassador of the state.
  6. 6th — to the person(s) entitled under the laws of the state in which the employee was domiciled at the time of death.
432.822 Missing Beneficiaries

Procedures when beneficiaries are missing are every bit follows:

  1. First Beneficiary Does Not Claim. When the person(due south) otherwise entitled to payment has/accept non submitted a merits and cannot exist located within 2 years later on the decease of the employee, payment is made to the person(s) in the same class of entitlement, or, in the absence of anyone on the aforementioned form, then to the person(south) adjacent in order of precedence as described in 432.821.
  2. Postal service Decision. If, within 2 years later on the employee's death, a claim for unpaid compensation is not filed by a person entitled under the lodge of precedence, and neither the employee's installation nor the bookkeeping service center has received notice that such a claim will exist filed, payment may be made to the claimant who in the judgment of the Mail is equitably entitled to it. Payment made pursuant to this paragraph bars recovery past another person.

Is An H Route A Full Time Route For The Postal Service,


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